Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I Don't Have much to say besides that the bulk of the discussion, at least recently, seems to be leaning towards the local Somali community. This is basically a call for opinions. So, THROW UP! (I mean that almost literally)


  1. I'm leaning towards Somali community or youth homelessness.

  2. i think that there is definately an interest in the somali community, however most of the recent posts have been very random articles without a clear focus of what the 'issue' is --

    so i'm gonna have to say youth homelessness as well.

  3. I disagree. If you look at each article and take notes on all of them you start noticing many of the issues that exist within the Somali Minneapolis community. Here are some that I noticed.

    Disconnect in community:
    -This concerns the Somali community as a whole as well as the community of families. Males get alienated from there families because of having drinking problems and many other problems. They do this to get rid of the memories of things they did before they got to the states. This leaves them vulnerable to do anything to be excepted.

    Mental Health:
    Refugees that had to take part in killing and doing horrible things before they came here are suffering greatly mentally.

    Autism: There has been studies on the drastic number of Minneapolis Somali children with autism. No one know exactly why for sure but are trying to work with the community to figure it out.

    This is a very brief way of describing the issues. It is very clear if you really look into it; there is not just one certified issue among the Somali community in Minneapolis but many.

  4. I will also cast my vote for either the Somali community or Homeless Youth!

  5. I am also going back and forth between the Somali Community and Homeless Youth.

  6. @danimal, i agree that your articles you posted do have similarities and an fundamental focus - but some of the other articles do not pertain to the same issues, rather they are a bit more random. it seems that 'somali community' is the popular choice, (For those who've posted)

    i think we should find a certain issue to focus on within the somali community. by simply saying somali community, there is no issue.

    i think dan had some good key issues that we can branch from. and i think that mental health awareness in the somali community plays a big part in some of the other issues as well.

    what do you guys think?

  7. I agree with tousue that we need to clearly define an issue in regards to the Somali community, but I feel that a major complication is the distance at which we place the Somali community. I think before we can address issues such as mental health or autism, we should try to address the disconnect between that community and the larger community as whole.

  8. It seems to me that Annie just summed it up. Because the right now it seems the Somali community seems to be regarded as its own organism separate from that of the larger Minneapolis community that it would in turn contain all these issues that have been discussed (eg, youth homelessness, autism, transportation, etc.)

    Really almost any issue that pertains to the larger community for translate and affect on a similar level with in the Somali Community.

    It does seem then that we would need to adress the disconnect, possibly by fully immersing ourselves into it, developing relationships thus removing the immediate disconnect at least that exists between our class and their community thus again making it our (theirs and ours) community.

    I think if we are to dive in head first and attempt to create these relationships (whatever they may be), specific issues, such as those that have been mentioned, will become clear because we will be involved.

    That said, this is all just spec; but it seems whatever it is we do must begin with us simply dropping an outside perspective and developing human relationships.

    I AM excited.
