Thursday, February 4, 2010


  1. The comment of US+THEM by the ME flyers is quite magnificent. The wonderful 18 hour start to finish US+THEM Design Blitz whose focus was to engage and saturate the Minneapolis community is then countered by the ME flyers. That is then countered by turning the ME into WE by holding the flyer to the light and reversing the flyer. The US + THEM + ME + WE is quite beautiful, almost poetic and, I feel, represents the complexity, urgency, and inclusivity of design projects for the common good. We are all in this together. We have started something and we will continue to follow our hearts to bring people together. I am sure, and I would like, people to challenge our work-that's what art school is about. On the other hand, high school is about complaining about font choice, kerning and what's your favorite color-this is not design
