Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hello. The topic of Police relations with their community is a very touchy one, so we want to touch it.

The group right now is:


We are in the Ideation stages and are mocking up some versions of some undisclosed documents.

There are also a few other veins in which our team has been looking into. We feel that maybe we can have many grand yet small projects flowing all together. Some ideas revolve around: Health Care, Generation Divide, Immigration, and Worker's rights.

We view it as every person having a role in each project, but the size of the role varies from person to person and project to project, this way we can cover more ground. That said, we feel there is always work to be done and the more the merrier. If you would like to be involved with us please speak up and if you have an idea that you would like any of us to be involved in, please speak up.

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