Sunday, March 7, 2010

MSP Flag Project Group Info +UPDATE


Here's the info Bern requested in Thursday's class.

Project: Minneapolis & Saint Paul Flag Project
Leaders: Alex & Michael co-leading
Participants: I didn't see everyone who raised their hands in class, so if you could comment on this post to let everyone know you're in that would be lovely, Thanks!

So far....
I think there was pretty much a consensus for using the flags that already exists. A few people suggested the idea that the flag would have the Minneapolis flag on one side and on the back would be the Saint Paul flag. I think that's kind of brilliant! We can talk about it here on the blog to come to a consensus if this is what we really want to do.

Michael has vectorized the MPLS Flag, so that's ready for printing! Thanks Michael!
We still need to vectorize the St. Paul flag.
Plus, Katie has a possible lead on some fabric we could use, thanks Katie!

Maybe we should also discuss materials-- do we want whatever fabric we can get? Should it be consistent (should we bleach everything??) Do we want to use paper as well, etc.

As soon as we get this nailed down we can start printing! Yayyyyyy! So let's figure it out!

The St Paul flag was vectorized by Ted, thanks thanks!

SO Here are the vectors of both flags for you to download!

So what day works best for everyone to meet so we can officially decide on stuff and start printing??


  1. Wee! I think Ted has the St. Paul flag vectorized already. I'm up for printing and distribution.

  2. I like one flag on each side joined by the material that represents the mississipi.

    word is flag!

  3. Think about materials, size and distribution. Flags could be placed on paper, card stock, fabric, tee shirts, stickers. Design can be large and small (business card size). All the non-material flags could be placed on glass windows (US+THEM) and consider alternating what is inside and outside. Also consider where you will place them. Each side of the Mississippi or along the border between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Would you have little sticks so the flags can be placed in the ground (similar to 'For Sale' signs on house lawns). and would the flags be alternated with US+THEM typographic signs/flags. Would US+ be on one side and THEM on the other to match the beautiful two-sided flag idea?

    Great Project everyone.

  4. YEAH YEAH STPL has been done yo! let me know if ya'll need it and lets get crackin on this huh!

  5. Evenings work for me, too. I like some of the ideas Bernard just listed, like incorporating the US + THEM phrasing. Perhaps it works as a small icon that exists somewhere on the MPLS/STP flag, to show correlation between the projects, but only if that's what we want. Just a thought.

  6. Evenings! ....except for wednesday.... unless it is after 9.
    Lets do it.
